
Monday 6 October 2014

The star child skull !!!

Skulls are humanity's foremost symbol of death, and a powerful icon in the visual vocabularies of cultures all over the globe. 

Many strangely "deformed" hominoid skulls have been discovered in Mexico and Peru. One of them, the Starchild skull found in Mexico, is currently the subject of scientific scrutiny and DNA testing.
The "Starchild" skull is probably the most well known if only because of its widespread publicity. The original skull which is estimated to be 900 years old, was discovered by an American teenage girl near the Copper Canyon district of Sierra Tarahumara in the south west of Chihuahua State, Mexico. After her death in 1990 the skull came into the possession of El Pasco residents, Ray and Melanie Young in 1998. They sought the advice of a Mr. Lloyd Pye who is often described as a researcher of the alternative. Shortly afterwards he established the Starchild Project to better understand the skull. There is no doubt that the skull is real. The bone is thinner than average and although it appears to belong to a four or five year old child the cranial capacity is 1600cc which is 200cc more than your average adult human. DNA testing has revealed that it has both the X and Y human chromosome which seems to indicate that it is human. However, proponents of alternate theories suggest that it could be the child of a human-alien hybrid itself. According to the Starchild Project they refute that the DNA from both parents was easily indentified and suggest that the farher's DNA was something other than ordinary.
Two distinct schools of thought regarding the specimen have emerged.  One group see it as evidence of various theories ranging from alien-human hybrids to proof of an alternative evolution.  The other group believe that the skull is nothing more than a natural deformity possibly caused by brachycephaly, Crouzon syndrome or some other natural genetic mutation.  Both groups’ present compelling evidence and it is definitely worth understanding both sides of the story before making up your own mind. 

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