Stonehenge is a megalithic monument on the Salisbury Plain in Southern England, composed mainly of thirty upright stones (sarsens, each over ten feet tall and weighing 26 tons), aligned in a circle, with thirty lintels (6 tons each) perched horizontally atop the sarsens in a continuous circle. There is also an inner circle composed of similar stones, also constructed in post-and-lintel fashion.

Fig. 1 Fig.1b

Fig. 1c The axis of Stonehenge aligns approximately
to the midsummer rising sun azimuth.
to the midsummer rising sun azimuth.

Fig. 3 Aerial View of Stonehenge

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In the foregoing picture a line (blue) originating at Stonehenge's centre, dissects the centre of the Heel stone. The azimuth angle of this line, off North, is 51.18333333-degrees, which equates to 51 degrees, 11 minutes. This is the official latitude designation for Stonehenge (51 deg. 11 minutes).
Note how the line relates to the Avenue set of circles (magenta) and brushes the northern side of the large post marker adjacent to the Avenue circles. A nearby line of posts extends toward the Heel Stone, as if to indicate this "latitude" line.
It is normal carpentry or surveying practice to have "sighting-lines" run to the "side" of pegs or posts, rather than to the centres, as far greater accuracy is achieved and the surveyor is able to visually verify the accuracy of the full alignment. When a line runs to the centre of a stone, the stone itself will generally have a peaked or pointed top to finitely indicate the refined intended position of the alignment.

Another circle of immense importance, which links Stonehenge to the Lunar codes of the Khafre Pyramid of Egypt. It will be noted that this circle (2nd inward red) brushes two component positions on the Avenue, one of which has the official designation "B". The diameter of this circle is 472.5 feet, which is exactly the intended vertical height of the Khafre Pyramid of Egypt. The base measurement of Khafre was 15/16ths that of the Great Pyramid or 708.75 feet. It was also built to a 3,4,5 triangulation code, with 1/2 the base length acting as the adjacent (354.375 feet), the vertical height acting as the opposite (472.5 feet) and the diagonal face acting as the hypotenuse (590.625 feet).
Each of these values was in deference to the lunar month and lunar year (based upon 29.53125 days per lunar month or 345.375 days per lunar year).
The diameter of this Stonehenge circle is, therefore, coding the height of the Khafre Pyramid in increments of 16 X 29.53125-days/ feet. This value of 472.5 days was also integral to the ancient method of measuring the 18.613-year lunar nutation cycle, which was calibrated to endure for 6804-days (230.4 lunar months of 29.53125-days or 14.4 time periods of 472.5-days duration). Note also that 230.4 is an expression of the very important ancient number 11.52.
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The Stonehenge Observatory this site compliments new book
The Stonehenge Observatory to be published in June 2008. The site includes fully interactive 3D models for viewing Stonehenge as it is and as it would have appeared as an observatory, as well as an animated 3D reconstruction of its destruction where users can view the impact on individual stones.
The Stonehenge Observatory to be published in June 2008. The site includes fully interactive 3D models for viewing Stonehenge as it is and as it would have appeared as an observatory, as well as an animated 3D reconstruction of its destruction where users can view the impact on individual stones.
This completely new insight explodes the present archeological interpretation of a monument built by the inhabitants of Neolithic Britain. Through state-of-the-art software The Stonehenge Observatory brings the site to life, exploring every feature of the design to challenge the perceived dates and methods of construction, and original purpose as a ritual place of worship or temple aligned on the midsummer sunrise. The conclusion is stunning in its simplicity.
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